2024年10月11日 星期五
研究员(Professor Qinmiao Sun)

中国科学院动物研究所研究员,博士,博士生导师。1999年在中国科学院植物研究所获理学博士学位,2000-2005年在美国德州大学西南医学中心分子生物学系从事博士后工作,2006-2007任美国德州大学西南医学中心分子生物学系Researcher Instructor。2007年起,在中国科学院动物研究所建立“免疫与信号传导”组,任研究组长。长期从事NF-κB途径和天然免疫分子机制的研究。在Nature Communications,PLoS Pathogens, Immunity, Molecular Cell, Blood和JBC等国际著名学术刊物上发表多篇研究论文。目前实验室承担科技部生殖发育重大计划、973、国家基金委等项目。


主要研究领域(Research Interests): 


We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of antiviral innate immunity by using different model systems such as mouse and fly. Meanwhile, we are also interested in the regulatory mechanisms underlying the fate determination of stem cells.  


代表性论文(selected publications,  * corresponding authors)


1. Jin W, Wang L, Zhu F, Tan W, Lin W, Chen D*, Sun Q*, Xia Z*. Critical POU domain residues confer Oct4 uniqueness in somatic cell reprogramming. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:20818.
2. Li Z, Liu G, Sun L, Teng Y, Guo X, Jia J, Sha J, Yang X, Chen D, Sun Q*. PPM1A regulates antiviral signaling by antagonizing TBK1-mediated STING phosphorylation and aggregation. PLoS Pathog, 2015,11 (3):e1004783.
3.Sun Q*, Huang S, Wang X, Zhu Y, Chen Z, Chen D*. N6-methyladenine functions as a potential epigenetic mark in eukaryotes. Bioessays, 2015, 37(11):1155-62.
4. Ji S, Sun M, Zheng X, Li L, Sun L, Chen D* and Sun Q*. Cell-surface localization of Pellino antagonizes Toll-mediated innate immune signaling by controlling MyD88 turnover in Drosophila. Nature Communicaitons, 2014, 5:3458.
5. Zhu G, Li Y, Zhu F, Wang T, Jin W, Mu W, Lin W,  Tan W, Sun Q*, Jin P* and Chen D*. Coordination of engineered factors with TET 1/2 promotes the early stage epigenetic modification during somatic cell reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports, 2014, 2(3):253-261.
6. Zhao Y, Sun X, Nie X, Sun L, Tang TS, Chen D, Sun Q*. COX5B Regulates MAVS-mediated Antiviral Signaling through Interaction with ATG5 and Repressing ROS Production. PLoS Pathog, 2012, 8(12):e1003086.
7. Bhoj VG, Sun Q, Bhoj EJ, Somers C, Chen X, Torres JP, Mejias A, Gomez AM, Jafri H, Ramilo O, Chen ZJ*. MAVS and MyD88 are essential for innate immunity but not cytotoxic T lymphocyte response against respiratory syncytial virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2008,105(37):14046-51.
8.Sun Q, Sun L, Liu HH, Chen X, Seth RB, Forman J, Chen ZJ*. The specific and essential role of MAVS in antiviral innate immune responses. Immunity, 2006,24(5):633-42.
9.Sun Q, Matta H, Chaudhary PM*. The human herpes virus 8-encoded viral FLICE inhibitory protein protects against growth factor withdrawal-induced apoptosis via NF-kappa B activation. Blood, 2003,101(5):1956-61.
10.Sun Q, Zachariah S, Chaudhary PM*. The human herpes virus 8-encoded viral FLICE-inhibitory protein induces cellular transformation via NF-kappaB activation. J Biol  Chem, 2003, 278(52):52437-45.