2024年10月11日 星期五
研究员(Professor Yong Zhao)

博士,研究员, 博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金项目资助者。中科院动物所膜生物学国家重点实验室主任。1993年8月-1995年3月 日本东京三菱化成生命科学研究所任特别研究员;1995年3月-2000年5月 在哈佛大学/麻省总医院移植生物学研究中心博士后;2000年5月起至2003年8月 任内布拉斯加大学医学中心外科助理教授;2003年8月至今任中国科学院动物研究所研究员。中国免疫学会移植免疫分会副主任委员,中国免疫学会理事、中国生物工程学会理事。《动物学杂志》副主编,Exp Rev of Clin Immunol 和Cell Mol Immunol编委。已发表SCI文章140余篇,论文引用计5000余次。


主要研究领域(Research Interests) 


        The overall focus of our laboratory is to understand the molecular mechanisms of T cell tolerance to transplant antigens (allo- and xeno-genetic antigens), and develop clinically acceptable bio-products and protocols to prevent graft rejection by inducing immune tolerance to transplant antigens. In addition, we will also explore the possibility for clinical application of allo- and xeno-genetic tissues and cells.


代表性论文(selected publications,  * corresponding authors)


1.Sun L, Sun C, Liang Z, Li H, Chen L, Luo H, Zhang H, Ding P, Sun X, Qin Z* and Zhao Y* FSP1+ fibroblast subpopulation is essential for the maintenance and regeneration of medullary thymic epithelial cells. Scientific Reports 2015 5: 14871.
2.Liu X, Yang T, Suzuki K, Tsukita S, Ishii M, Zhou S, Wang G, Cao L, Qian F, Taylor S, Oh M, Levitan I, Ye D, Carnegie G, Zhao Y*, Malik A, and Xu J* Moesin and myosin phosphatase confine neutrophil orientation in a chemotactic gradient. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2015 212 (2): 267-80.
3.Yi W, Hu X, Chen Z, Liu L, Tian Y, Chen H, Cong Y, Yang F, Zhang L, Rudolph K L, Zhang Z*, Zhao Y*, and Ju Z* Phosphatase Wip1 controls antigen-independent B cell development in a p53-dependent manner. Blood 2015 126(5): 620-8.
4.Zhu L, Yang T, Li L, Sun L, Hou Y, Hu X, Zhang L, Tian H, Zhao Q, Peng J, Zhang H, Wang R, Yang Z, Zhang L, and Zhao Y* TSC1 controls macrophage polarization to prevent inflammatory disorder. Nature Communications. 2014 5: 4696.
5.Hou Y, Lin H, Zhu L, Liu Z, Hu F, Shi J, Yang T, Shi X, Guo H, Tan X, Zhang L, Wang Q*, Li Z*, and Zhao Y*. IFN-γ inhibits TLR ligands-induced protease HTRA1 expression in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Immunology. 2014 193(1):130-138.
6.Sun B, Hu X, Liu G, Ma B, Xu Y, Yang T, Shi J, Yang F, Li H, Zhang L*, and Zhao Y* Phosphatase Wip1 negatively regulates neutrophil antimicrobial immunity  Journal of Immunology. 2014 192(3): 1184-1195.
7.Sun L, Li H, Luo H, Zhang L, Hu X, Yang T, Sun C, Chen H, Zhang L and Zhao Y*. Phosphatase Wip1 is essential for the maturation and homeostasis of medullary thymic epithelial cells in mice. Journal of Immunology 2013 191(6): 3210-3220.
8.Chen H, Zhang LJ, Zhang HB, Li L, Xiao Y, Sun LN, Li H, Corley D, Liu G, Yang ZZ*, and Zhao Y* TSC1/2 complex negatively regulates thymic CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg development in mice. FASEB J 2013 27(10): 3979-3990.
9.Hou Y, Lin H, Duan K, Zhu L, Liu Z, Hu F, Shi J, Rao E, Yang T, Shi X, Yin Z, Zhu M, Zhang L, Godley F. B., Wang Q*, Li Z*, and Zhao Y*  LPS increases the incidence of collagen-induced arthritis in mice through induction of protease HTRA1 expression  Arthritis & Rheumatism 2013 65(11): 2835-2846.
10.Liu G, Hu X, Sun B, Shi J, Zhang L*, and Zhao Y*  Phosphatase Wip1 negatively regulates neutrophil development through p38 MAPK-STAT1. Blood 2013 121(3): 519-529.