北京大学分子医学研究所教授,博士,博士生导师。1995年毕业于西安交通大学生物工程与医学仪器系,2001年获华中科技大学生物医学工程专业博士,后于美国华盛顿大学生理与生物物理系从事博士后研究。他的研究兴趣主要集中在为在体研究开发新的高时空分辨率的荧光成像技术,并利用这些新技术,研究胰岛b细胞的功能,血糖的调控及糖尿病的发病机制。作为通讯作者,陈良怡教授已经在Dev Cell, Cell Res., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., JCS, Biophys J., Biomed Opt Express., Diabetes 及Diabetologia 等一系列同行评审期刊上发表论文。从2012年以来,他开始以资深教员身份服务于Faculty of 1000 Biology的神经信号传导机制部。他还受邀多次在学术团体如OSA, SPIE 和 Biophysical Society组织的各种国际学术会议上做特邀报告。
主要研究领域(Research Interests):
Development of three-dimensional live cell imaging technologies with super-spatiotemporal resolution; using them to study mechanisms of exocytosis-endocytosis coupling at single pancreatic b-cell level; by combining the imaging technologies with different animal models, we study autocrine/paracrine regulations of the making and the functioning of b-cells in isolated islets and in vivo, and their contributions to diabetes progression.
近年代表性论文(selected publications, * corresponding authors)
1.Wang Y, Han C, Zhu W, Wu Z, Liu Y*, Chen L*. An optical method to evaluate both mass and functional competence of pancreatic a-and b-cells. J Cell Sci. 2016 May 12. pii: jcs.184523. [Epub ahead of print] Cover story and selected for inclusion in the ‘In This Issue’ section of JCS
2.Yuan T, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wei L, Zhao S, Zheng X, Huang X, Boulanger J, Gueudry C, Lu J, Xie L, Du W, Zong W, Yang L, Salamero J, Liu Y*, Chen L*. Diacylglycerol Guides the Hopping of Clathrin-Coated Pits along Microtubules for Exo-Endocytosis Coupling. Dev Cell.2015, 35(1):120-30.Previewed in the same issue of Dev Cell, highlighted in the F1000Prime as NEW FINDING and INTERESTING HYPOTHESIS and noted on the website of American Society of Cell Biology.
3.Yuan T, Lu J, Zhang J, Zhang Y*, Chen L*. Spatiotemporal detection and analysis of exocytosis reveal fusion "hotspots" organized by the cytoskeleton in endocrine cells. Biophys J. 2015, 108(2):251-60.
4.Dou H, Wang C, Wu X, Yao L, Zhang X, Teng S, Xu H, Liu B, Wu Q, Zhang Q, Hu M, Wang Y, Wang L, Wu Y, Shang S, Kang X, Zheng L, Zhang J, Raoux M, Lang J, Li Q, Su J, Yu X*, Chen L*, Zhou Z*. Calcium influx activates adenylyl cyclase 8 for sustained insulin secretion in rat pancreatic beta cells. Diabetologia. 2015, 58(2):324-33
5.Zong W, Zhao J, Chen X, Lin Y, Ren H, Zhang Y, Fan M, Zhou Z, Cheng H, Sun Y*, Chen L*. Large-field high-resolution two-photon digital scanned light-sheet microscopy. Cell Res.2015, 25(2):254-7.
6.Liang K, Du W, Lu J, Li F*, Yang L,Xue Y, Hille B, Chen L*. Alterations of the Ca2+ signaling pathway in pancreatic beta-cells isolated from db/db mice. Protein Cell. 2014 Oct;5(10):783-94.
7.Zong W, Huang X, Zhang C, Yuan T, Zhu LL, Fan M*, Chen L*.Shadowless-illuminated variable-angle TIRF (siva-TIRF) microscopy for the observation of spatial-temporal dynamics in live cells. Biomed Opt Express. 2014, 5(5):1530-40.
8.Chen L*, Xu T. On the stoichiometry of resting and activated CRAC channels. Curr Top Membr. 2013;71:95-108.
9.Li Z, Liu L, Deng Y, Ji W, Du W, Xu P, Chen L*, Xu T*. Graded activation of CRAC channel by binding of different numbers of STIM1 to Orai1 subunits. Cell Res. 2011, 21:305-315.
10.Ji W, Xu P, Li Z, Lu J, Liu L, Zhan Y, Chen Y, Hille B, Xu T*, Chen L*. Functional stoichiometry of the unitary calcium-release-activated calcium channel. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008, 105(36):13668-73.Highlighted in the F1000Prime as NEW FINDING and CONFIRMATION