1984同济大学电子仪器学士;1990华中科技大学生物医学工程博士;90-93德国马普生物物理化学所Erwin Neher实验室博士后;93-95美国华盛顿大学生理系讲师;95-97芝加哥Loyola大学生理系研究助理教授;1993-2000华中科技大学生物物理与化学研究所founding director&professor;1997-1999中国科技大学神经与生物物理系head & professor;1999-2004上海中科院神经科学研究所研究员。2005起任北京大学分子医学研究所教授、高级研究员。中国生物物理学会常务理事兼神经生物物理专委主任。Journal of Physiology-Lond, Cell Calcium, NeuroMolecular Medicine编委。
主要研究领域(Research Interests)
分泌机理:kiss-and-run 亚量子化分泌,电压依赖性分泌;
研究方法: 膜片钳、细胞膜电容、电化学微电极、细胞内[Ca2+]i荧光成像、共聚焦和双光子荧光Ca2+成像,在哺乳动物的细胞、脑片、活体进行电生理、电化学、神经环路记录/成像。创新光-电-机装置和数据模拟。
1. Wang Changhe, Wang Yeshi, Hu Meiqin, Chai Zuying, Wu Qihui, Huang Rong, Han Weiping, Zhang, Claire Xi, Zhou Zhuan. (2016) Synaptotagmin 11 inhibits clathrin-mediated and bulk endocytosis. EMBO Rep. 17(1):47-63.
2. He Linling, Zhang Quanfeng, Wang Liecheng, Dai Jingxia, Wang Changhe, Zheng Lianghong, Zhou Zhuan*. Muscarinic inhibition of nicotinic transmission in neurons and adrenal chromaffin cells. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2015, 370:20140188. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0188.
3. Wang, L., Shang, S., Kang, X., Teng, S., Zhu, F., Liu, B., Wu, Q., Li, M., Liu, W., Xu, H., Zhou, L., Jiao, R., Dou, H., Zuo, P., Zhang, X., Zheng, L., Wang, S., Wang, C., and Zhou, Z.* Modulation of dopamine release in the striatum by physiologically relevant levels of nicotine. Nat Commun. 5:3925. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4925.
4. Kang, X., Xu, H., Teng, S., Zhang, X., Deng, Z., Zhou, L., Zuo, P., Liu, B., Wu, Q., Wang, L., Hu, M., Dou, H., Liu, W., Zhu, F., Li, Q., Guo, S., Gu, J., Lei, Q., Lu, J., Mu, Y., Jin, M., Wang, S., Jiang, W., Liu, K., Wang, C., Li, W., Zhang, K., and Zhou, Z.* Dopamine release from transplanted neural stem cells in Parkinsonian rat striatum in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111(44):15804-9.
5.Chen, X.W., Y.Q. Feng, C.J. Hao, X.L. Guo, X. He, Z.Y. Zhou, N. Guo, H.P. Huang, W. Xiong, H. Zheng, P.L. Zuo, C.X. Zhang, W. Li, and Z. Zhou.* (2008). DTNBP1, a schizophrenia susceptibility gene, affects kinetics of transmitter release. J Cell Biol, 181(5): p. 791-801.
6.Huang, H.P., S.R. Wang, W. Yao, C. Zhang, Y. Zhou, X.W. Chen, B. Zhang, W. Xiong, L.Y. Wang, L.H. Zheng, M. Landry, T. Hokfelt, Z.Q. Xu, and Z. Zhou.* (2007). Long latency of evoked quantal transmitter release from somata of locus coeruleus neurons in rat pontine slices. Proc NatlAcadSci U S A, 104(4): p. 1401-6.
7.Chen, X.K., L.C. Wang, Y. Zhou, Q. Cai, M. Prakriya, K.L. Duan, Z.H. Sheng, C. Lingle, and Z. Zhou.* (2005).Activation of GPCRs modulates quantal size in chromaffin cells through G(betagamma) and PKC. Nat Neurosci, 8(9): p. 1160-8.
8.Zhang, C. and Z. Zhou.* (2002). Ca(2+)-independent but voltage-dependent secretion in mammalian dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nat Neurosci, 5(5): p. 425-30.